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Friday, October 31, 2008

More Patient, than pissed, but still WORKING

Well this robot I have previously posted is almost done I just wanted to show a progression and maybe somebodies thoughts. Yes I am still waiting for Maya 2009 to come in so I can start texturing everything I have in my project folder but patience has come over me with a quiet calm, so now I wait. Anyway scroll down and checkout the progression.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pissed but Working

Ok so I should have recieved Maya 2009 by now right so I can really begin to create some kind of workflow, with Maya 2009, Bodypaint 3D release 4 and Zbrush 3.12. Well my friend you would be wrong I because Maya 2009 has yet to arrive at my door step the second shipment doesn't get to journey ed's warehouse until FREAGGIN!!, November 9th, but I guess I should excerise patience but I just wanna get going already. I mean I dumb butt finished molding every single turtle on Zbrush but can't create a displacement map because I forgot to manipulate the UV to a working layout pelt. So I had to scrap and all those models and in Zbrush and begin actively waiting on Maya 2009 because it has a new feature that automatically makes a perfect pelt everytime so I gotta keep waiting but til them for you guys here it some other work I am bustin my butt on. So in the mean time between time check it it out >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Friday, October 10, 2008


Well you know what, I haven't been able to upload all the cool stuff I have been trying to do because right now I can't do it because I am currently waiting for my software to arrive, that software being Maya 2009 and BodyPaint 3D release 4. But On the optimistic side of things I have finally gotten my upgrade for Zbrush. You see I had Zbrush 2 for a year before I got my upgrade and that was because Mac currently didn't support Zbrush 3. Well that time is over I have Zbrush 3 and it was for free and it is ridiculously  awesome. I am currently working on it as I type I am waiting for a projection to finish. But now you will see me check in with work from there so hang there I have some new stuff up.